Thursday, April 19, 2007

Whaling and Whining

I was talking to The Whale the other day, and there was a suggestion that we should choose a theme and try to each address that theme, to give the blog a more coherent feel. I don't have anything to say about Harry Potter, Hitler, or scanners, so perhaps I will start a new theme, and see how that goes.

We are each in our late 20s, or in my case, 30. Despite being the oldest of the bunch, I still find myself regularly thinking about my life in terms of how things will be "when I grow up." I don't yet feel fully an adult, and I think I probably won't until I either have a tenure track job (and hence know the city where I will be living for much of my adult life) or I decide to give up on academia and manage to find some other job that feels "serious" to me.

What about you two? Do you feel grown up? If not, is there something that you expect will make you feel that way?

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