Sunday, July 12, 2009


Approximate word count of main Wikipedia article on Beethoven: 8500.

Approximate word count of the article on Megatron: 9500.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

I resent

I resent that my mangoes have stickers.

I resent the pits and skins.

I resent that I am out of mangoes.

I resent having to share mangoes at my office, even though I am almost never the one who brings them in.

I resent that last week some mango got on both sleeves of my new white shirt.

I resent that after I eat a mango, I usually have to floss.

I resent that my wife prefers Mexican mangoes to Haitian mangoes. I resent that I share her preference.

I resent that I am blogging about mangoes, and not eating one.

number of electronic appliances I have that grind or blend
