Thursday, April 5, 2007

Hills like lambs

Finally, some common ground. Pesach. The pascal lamb. Slaying of the first born. My favorite things about passover:

1. You don't have to go to services. It's sort of a compromise, since you can't eat until you do the seder, but you don't have to sit through the amidah, so it's a fair trade.

2. The food is fantastic. Hillel did make a mean sandwich. Gefilte are the best fish on earth. Matzah balls are so good delis serve them all year. And the rest of the week you can rock the fried matzah, and the matzah meal pancakes. Not that I keep passover.

3. Matzah matzah that's our cry, matzah matzah til we die.

4. Tonight we dip twice, when usually we don't dip at all.

5. It really shows the fortitude and survival instinct of our people. There's nothing that will stop us when we put our minds to something, stick together, and never give up. It's so inspiring. Just remember not to try it without having on your side an omniscient being who doesn't mind plaguing your enemies and producing miracles.

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