Saturday, April 7, 2007

I own my home

Yesterday I closed on my first home purchase. After several months navigating the twists and gullies of the buying process- warming to the idea of using all my money, and of commiting myself to a hefty monthly payment for the next thirty years, dealing with home repairs myself, dealing with realtors, having nightmares about what a good price is, or a good interest rate, or a good location, prioritizing needs (washer/dryer) and wants (central air) - in a stroke of good fortune I found everything I was looking for right where I was looking for it at the highest price I could afford, and my offer was accepted and yesterday I was handed the keys.
Clearly there has been time for the idea to sink in and for the excitement to build, but the feeling I had when it was finally mine surprised me. I've always moved rather unemotionally from one place to another. When I left the group house I lived in for four years, I was not sad at all, and never think back on that house with any particular emotion. I don't see to get attached in that way.
But now I own something that will be mine for as long as I want it. Any painting I do, any hooks I install, any improvements or repairs or additions I make, are totally up to me. I can make those decisions without wondering how it affects my security deposit or what will happen when I move. Of course there are plenty of potential worries that come with the purchase as well.
Nonetheless, the good feeling that came over me was a pleasant surprise.
I'll be packing up and moving over the next several weeks, and then buying furniture and decorating. And then all will be welcome to visit me in my own home.

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