Saturday, March 10, 2007

Working Dreams

It's been a long time since my first working dream, a dream where a puzzle or problem has to be solved or worked out, causing some restlessness. The earliest versions were dreams about playing minesweeper and tetris, certainly caused by overdoses on both games. More recently, my working dreams are actually about work. I dream of work, or at least a work-like setting where work-like tasks are set before me, and my dream requires me to resolve the issue and complete the task. Last night, most of my dream had to do with a someone who had submitted a budget that was totally unreasonable, and trying to explain to them how to fix it. Granted, I'm at the tail end (I hope) of a week long cold, which itself contributes to restless sleep, but these dreams are sure signs that work's grip on me is too tight. Work and netflix are 80% of my time. How did this happen? Time to plan a vacation.

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