Friday, March 9, 2007


I'm sorry to break with the poop motif already, but I have something much more serious to talk about: high school, when me, Howl, and the Whale used to sit around, feel bad for ourselves for not having girlfriends, and develop elaborate bowling-themed plans to get girlfriends (plans that were never instituted due to the reluctance of Howl).

I am grading papers in a coffee shop right now, and the Weezer song "No one else," including the lyric "I want a girl who will laugh for no one else," just came on the radio. I remember thinking that it really spoke to me in a profound way when I was in high school. I think that it had something to do with my belief that if I ever did find a girlfriend, it would be my jokes, rather than my confidence and smoothness, that would convince her to date me. And I also remember feeling bad that, despite my ability to make the girls laugh, none of them seemed to want to date me. It is clear in retrospect that I was going after the wrong kinds of girls in the wrong kinds of ways, but at the time it was extremely frustrating.

Now, as a 30 year old married man, I not really able to recapture that feeling again when I hear that song, and I am also not convinced that is a bad thing.

P.S. I encourage you to ask The Whale about his love interest that we nicknamed "a case of smallpox."

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