Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Entertainment News

I've been watching The Wire on Netflix. I'm not a cops n robbers kind of guy, but this is more than just a mystery solved every episode. Shows the human side of the criminals, shows the good guys fucking up every now and then, and of course it has a good bit of swearing and a nice sex scene every few episodes. My main complaint is the damn theme song (see the most recent season 5 version here, though I'm only up to season 3). It's a full minute and a fucking half. 90 seconds is too long for a theme song. Even the most engaging theme songs are only half that time, and the Wire's theme is far from engaging. But for clever mofos like myself, I just flip on the 8x fast forward button and we're through that shit in no time.

My other news is a little catch I made going about my daily business of rotting my brain through televisory stimulation. I watched We are Marshall (2006) (again on Netflix) a few weeks ago, about the regrouping of the Marshall football team after nearly the whole squad dies in a plane crash. One of the nice specialty touches was one of the football players is having a bit of trouble, and a teammate advises him to watch his opponents knuckles when in the three point stance on the line. If the knuckles are white, he says, you know the opponent is leaning forward and ready to pounce on you. Nice. Then a few days ago I happen to catch the middle portion of Any Given Sunday (1999) (on TBS or TNT or some shit), and they use the exact same bit about watching the knuckles. Well I might have to rerate We are Marshall for stealing that shit. Finally my excessive TV watching pays off, and these assholes get outed on this highly read blog.

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