Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Simple Farewell

This is not a post about ending a five month relationship, because I don't care much about that. The interesting part about that goodbye was what do you say at the end of the conversation? "See you later" is usually not entirely true but at least plausible, but in this case not even. Good luck seems a little business like. But I've always been a believer that the actual words matter little. When you understand the situation and the feelings, just get on with it. Which is why I don't do long goodbyes. You can't capture everything in a few words at the very end, no matter how profound those words are. It's been a while now that I've noticed that people linger on their goodbyes, even on the phone. You've always got to have a reason to go other than the fact that you have nothing left to say or are simply tired of talking, and goodbye is never enough but has to be preceded by a healthy bout of well wishing. Even if it's good luck grocery shopping! or have fun waxing your ass! it's always "OK. I'm gonna go stare at the wall now. Hope your laundry comes out well. See ya."
I think if I could back off from my opposition to many conversational conventions I would somehow be more satisfied with social interactions. Even I've fallen prey to the well wishing bug. But while I'll bend, I'll never break. I'm done writing for now. Have fun doing other stuff.

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