Sunday, October 14, 2007

Its all about the Benjamins

The Whale just informed me that our legions of readers have been waiting with baited breath to find out the fate of my reimbursement check. Well, wait no more. I was reimbursed on Friday, only seven months after my trip. The winner, and still champion!

Speaking of championships, I visited a kaiten zushi (conveyor belt sushi) establishment today. As I was finishing my meal, a group of 15-year-olds dressed in costumes entered the restaurant. One kid, dressed as a panda, indicated to his server that he would be taking the "plate challenge." She read him the rules -- he had 90 minutes, and he had to eat it all, fish and rice, for it to count. As I was leaving, I asked for details. Apparently if you can eat 30 plates in 90 minutes, you get a free tee shirt. And if you become the champion (beat the current record, which stands at 59 plates in 90 minutes), you get one gift certificate per month until you are unseated as champion. I wished the panda luck as we left the restaurant.

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