Sunday, June 10, 2007

déjà whale

On April 19, 2004, someone blogged: "Yesterday I got spam from myself. Very depressing." Three years later the Whale wrote: "Yesterday I sent a message to myself as a reminder, and it was marked as spam. [...] At times like this, you just gotta say What the fuck."

Let's pretend for a second that these two authors are the same person; now we have an ingenius time loop, not to mention an elegant and symmetrical paradox. The author did and did not spam himself, which his email account did not and did allow; he spammed himself when he did not spam himself, but failed to spam himself when he spammed himself; he is unhappy because he did, but equally unhappy because he could not, spam himself; picture a Möbius strip bent like a smile.

A semantic observation: the hypothetical unified author begins both posts with "Yesterday." When will he live for Now?

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